• Child pornography and pedophilia, surveys on 25 people: including minors

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April 12, 2021 The chat where pornographic files traveled is called Kik, an instant messaging application.

It is here that the Postal Police of Florence and coordinated by the Prosecutor's Office identified 2 people who were arrested and another 22 under investigation.

One of the two 45-year-olds ended up in handcuffs is a “repeat offender” for crimes of sexual violence, the other 47-year-old has a clean record.

The accusation of possession of large quantities of pornographic material made with minors under the age of 18.

The network in Italy 

In Tuscany, there are 16 suspects in total, but the operation involved a total of 9 regions for a total of 17 provinces.

The arrests, it is further explained, were carried out as part of the maxi operation Big Surprise to contrast the dissemination of child pornographic material on the internet, coordinated by the National Center for the fight against online child pornography.

The report from Canada

An investigation started from a report by the Canadian Police, via Europol.

Report in which reference was made to the dissemination on the network of files with child pornography content through Kik chat.

Who watched creepy pictures

24 people were identified who were caught exchanging child pornography material.

Three searches were carried out between October 2019 until April 2021. Two of the 24 suspects were then arrested because the checks on their computer media found "a huge amount of child pornography images and videos and many of active participation in social groups of the same nature ".

According to what was ascertained by Polposta, coordinated in the investigations by Prosecutor Ester Nocera, the files were found on the dark web, through specific software.

Then they were shared in limited number chats, within which, however, there were also postal police officers with specially created profiles.

The price of the agents

 ' work "We work undercover - explains the manager of the Tuscan Polpostable department Alessandra Belardini - and we must be careful not to be discovered, we have nicknames that last for years".

Every six months, Belardini always explains, the policemen who manage them and are forced to view the images "are subjected to psychophysical checks"