Lettuce doesn't get the praise it deserves compared to other leafy greens like cabbage and spinach.

Experts confirm that this type of vegetable is rich in vitamins and nutrients;

So if you like to eat lettuce - also known as "romaine lettuce" - on a regular basis, you are in luck.

In her report, published by the American magazine Eat This Not That, writer Rebecca Strong quoted nutritionist Kylie Evanier as saying, “Lettuce can be a wonderful healthy addition to a balanced diet. It is full of nutrients and can be added to salads. It is also a low-calorie food, and naturally contains high levels of fiber, various vitamins, carotenoids and phenolic compounds that are important for public health. "

And unlike spinach and cabbage, lettuce contains a much smaller amount of a compound called "oxalate" which can be harmful to those with intestinal problems, as it prevents the absorption of certain minerals such as calcium.

Brad Dieter, a certified nutrition coach from the National Academy of Sports Medicine, adds that lettuce is easier to digest for the digestive system.

Because it contains less fiber and rich in water.

Whether you like adding lettuce to your salad or eating it fresh, here are some things that happen to your body when you eat it daily:

1- Your bowel movements will be regular

It is unlikely that you will become constipated after eating lettuce, and this is because it is relatively rich in fiber, according to nutritionist Kelsey Lorenz, who adds that "most of these fibers are insoluble fibers, which helps add bulk to the stool and maintains regular bowel movement."

Nutritionist Alicia Galvin notes that the fiber in lettuce also has heart-healthy effects, as she says, "In the colon, the fiber clings to the bile salts and removes them from the body, and this forces the body to produce more bile, which is beneficial, because it must break down cholesterol to do so." So. "

 2- Weight loss

Lettuce is useful for those who follow a diet, as one cup of its juice contains only 15 calories, 2.8 grams of carbohydrates and 1.8 grams of fiber.

"As a dietitian, I regularly include lettuce in my meals to increase portions without adding too many calories. It makes me feel more full and less inclined to crave other high-calorie foods," says nutritionist Mary Wirts.

Nutritionist Trista Best adds, that because lettuce occupies a large space in your stomach, it can activate "stretch receptors", and when this happens, you end up feeling full based on the density of the food rather than the caloric content.

3- Boost immunity

Lettuce contains a lot of vitamins that can boost your immunity;

For example, one cup of its juice contains about 11.3 milligrams of vitamin "C" (C), which is equivalent to 1% of the daily recommended dose, which is noteworthy.

Because of the critical role this vitamin plays in the immune system.

Lorenz explains that "vitamin C" is an essential nutrient to boost immunity, and maintain the health of your skin to ward off pathogens, as well as increase the effectiveness of immune cells in the body. "

According to Evanier, vitamin C helps speed up wound healing, and is essential for the growth and repair of body tissues, collagen synthesis and iron absorption.

4- Good for heart health

According to Galvin, eating lettuce works wonders for your heart;

When cholesterol is oxidized, it begins to build up in the walls of the arteries, forming plaque. Fortunately, the vitamin C and beta-carotene in lettuce work to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol.

In addition, Galvin notes that the "folate" in lettuce can help lower levels of a harmful chemical in your body called "homocysteine". "If not converted, homocysteine ​​can damage the vessels." Blood circulation directly, and thus greatly increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. "

Finally, lettuce is an excellent source of potassium, which Werts says is linked to a lower risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

5- Get water

The author pointed out that drinking water is not the only way to hydrate the body, as you can also get a lot of water through certain foods, including lettuce, which consists of approximately 95% water.

Staying hydrated has a number of health benefits. Not only does it help keep your organs functioning properly and keep your joints soft, but it can also help improve your mood and sleep quality.

6- Good for the eyes

Nutrition coach Dieter says lettuce contains vitamin A, and that a cup of its juice provides nearly 80% of the recommended daily intake for this specific nutrient.

Dieter adds, "Vitamin A is very important for eyesight, and making sure we maintain an adequate amount of it can help reduce the risks of vision loss associated with age and eye diseases."

Dietitian Jay Quinn adds that a diet rich in Vitamin A can help prevent eye diseases such as cataracts and vision loss.