The tropical storm Seroja has already hit the Southeast Asian archipelago hard, and hundreds of deaths have been reported from East Timor and Indonesia following floods in the past week.

Thousands were evacuated and many are still missing.

After the storm continued, it and another storm are now approaching the west coast of Australia.

Right now the storm is raging out at sea and in the state of West Australia they are preparing for wind speeds of over 40 seconds and large amounts of rain when the storm on Sunday is expected to pull in over the coast and further inland.

- It is a very serious situation.

The risk of extensive destruction is high, says Reece Whitby, the state's Minister of Fire and Rescue Services, to the newspaper Perth Now.

- We hope that we can get through the coming days without deaths and serious damage to buildings, said Fran Logan and added that the area has not been affected by winds with cyclone strength for several decades.

According to forecasts by meteorologists in Australia, the strongest winds are expected along the coast between Geraldton (200 km north of Perth) and Denham (50 km north of Perth), reports the news agency Reuters.