
Hanover (dpa / lni) - A 27-year-old man is said to have insulted two passers-by in Hanover and pelted paving stones.

No one was injured, the police announced on Sunday.

He is also said to have thrown more stones on the street in the Calenberger Neustadt district on Saturday when at least two cars drove past him.

Passers-by had reported that a stranger had thrown a cobblestone at them.

This was preceded by «verbal aggression».

The police hired the 27-year-old.

A breath alcohol test showed 0.97 parts per thousand, a blood sample was ordered.

The police took him into custody.

It is being investigated for attempted dangerous bodily harm and interference in road traffic.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210411-99-160667 / 2

