
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - After the delivery of further vaccine doses, people over 70 in Hamburg have also been called for corona vaccination since Sunday.

"From now on everyone over 70 years of age can call and make an appointment at the vaccination center," said the spokesman for the health authority, Martin Helfrich, of the German press agency.

There is no need to wait for a letter of invitation.

Appointments could easily be made via the central telephone number 116 117 or online at impfterminservice.de.

Only on Saturday the 73-year-olds were called to vaccinate.

"Today there are three more vintages."

There are enough appointments available, said Helfrich.

"For the coming week alone, 24,000 additional appointments were activated."

Those wishing to vaccinate could therefore expect to be “given an appointment at very short notice”.

The group of 75 to 79-year-olds that had already been called up comprised around 80,000 people.

That of the 70 to 74 year olds is likely to be a little larger.

Thousands of vaccinations were administered again at the vaccination center in the exhibition halls at the weekend.

On Saturday alone it was 6838, according to Helfrich. "We are hoping for a similar number for Sunday."


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