
Hanover (dpa / lni) - Two women and a man attacked several police officers when an illegal party was dissolved and violently resisted their arrest.

As the police announced on Sunday, the emergency services had been called to a party in an apartment in the Seelhorst district that night.

During the inspection, a 30-year-old and two women, aged 28 and 35, tried to push and hit the police.

The officers eventually handcuffed the man.

The women wanted to free their companion from it.

Because of this, they were handcuffed too.

The man then continued to behave aggressively and was taken into police custody.

The women were released again.

The police are now investigating the attack on law enforcement officers and resistance.

The women also have to answer for attempted release from prisoners.

Administrative offense proceedings were initiated against the three and four other women involved in the party for violating the Corona measures.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210411-99-163036 / 3

Police press release