
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - As part of a chase on Autobahn 7 and through parts of Hamburg, police officers shot a car several times.

According to the police, officers from the Neumünster Police Department wanted to stop a car after a traffic violation on Friday.

The 18-year-old driver did not stop, however, but fled via Autobahn 7 in the direction of Hamburg.

At the Schnelsen-Nord junction, he left the autobahn and sped through the city.

The police started the pursuit.

According to the information, the officials tried several times to stop the car, the getaway car and the patrol car collided.

Finally, the emergency services fired several shots at the car, it said.

A little later, the 18-year-old was provisionally arrested.

The police said that he was now being investigated against, among other things, driving without a license and suspected of endangering road traffic.

Internal investigations were also initiated because of the shots.

The 18-year-old was slightly injured.

His 15-year-old passenger and the police officers were not physically injured.

The emergency services were looked after by emergency chaplains.


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