
Schwerin (dpa / mv) - The third online semester has started at the universities in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Most of the time studying in front of the screen is difficult for young people, but because of the corona infection situation, no opening steps are currently possible, said Education Minister Bettina Martin (SPD) on Friday.

Only a few courses, which would have to take place in laboratories or other work rooms at universities, could be held in person.

For this, the universities have agreed hygiene plans with the responsible health authorities.

For the 23,600 students at the universities in Greifswald and Rostock and at the Rostock University of Music and Theater, the lectures and seminars started this week.

The 12,900 students at the state universities of applied sciences started the summer semester on March 1st.

"The universities have done a lot in the past year to make it possible to study at a distance," praised Martin.

In order to further advance digitization, the universities will receive an additional 40 million euros from the MV protection fund.

Martin also announced that he would like to extend the standard period of study for the third time.

This should enable recipients of Bafög a longer period of time.

In addition, online exams are to be made legally secure with a new regulation in the State University Act.


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