
Parchim (dpa / mv) - The schools will open again from Monday in the Ludwigslust-Parchim district.

Because of the high number of infections, the district was the only one in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to initially keep schools closed after the Easter break.

After the seven-day incidence was below the new nationwide limit of 150 on Wednesday, students could return, the county said on Friday.

Classes one to six and in the final year classes are given face-to-face lessons for everyone, from class seven onwards there are alternating classes.

Where the Abitur classes no longer have any lessons, the schools can also offer face-to-face lessons for the next year on their own.

However, it is still open whether the daycare centers can return from emergency care to a kind of regular operation.

The prerequisite is that the seven-day incidence for the district is below the value of 150 for ten days in a row.

That would be up to and including Saturday, as a district spokesman explained.

However, parents are also asked to only use daycare or childminder if they cannot look after their children at home.

This does not apply until the incidence is below 100.


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