
Kiel (dpa / lno) - As of today, a 21-year-old has to answer for attempted manslaughter before the Kiel district court.

The man is said to have stabbed a 24-year-old from behind several times in the course of a dispute over the use of a footpath in Kiel.

The man was accused of being "acutely life-threatening".

The injured party is a joint plaintiff in the proceedings.

According to his lawyer Thomas Görtzen, he is still suffering from the consequences of the knife attack on August 12, 2020.

According to the prosecution, the 24-year-old had initially pressed the defendant's companion to the ground during a physical confrontation and asked him to lie down.

The defendant is said to have stabbed three times from behind.

According to the lawyer, one of the three stitches barely missed the carotid artery.

The jury set a total of four trial days.

A verdict could be pronounced on April 19th.


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