
Hilpoltstein (dpa / lby) - The cuckoo returns to Bavaria from its winter quarters.

The State Association for Bird Protection (LBV) registered the first cuckoo calls this spring near the Chiemsee in Upper Bavaria.

In order to get an overview of when the cuckoos return in which regions, the LBV asks the people in Bavaria to pay attention to cuckoo calls and to report the first one they hear at a certain location.

According to LBV information from Friday, this is possible on the Internet at www.lbv.de/kuckuck.

There are also audio samples for a cuckoo call.

The cuckoo calls, especially when the weather is nice, says LBV expert Angelika Nelson.

He does not call - as the nursery rhyme of the cuckoo sings - primarily from the forest.

Rather, the cuckoo can be found in river valleys as well as on moors and in the heather.

There he also finds his host birds, for example pond warbler and marsh warbler, in whose nests he lays his eggs in order to hatch them.

According to the LBV, the cuckoo population is declining in Germany.

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