
Steinen / Mannheim (dpa / lsw) - The vaccinated residents of a senior citizen center in southern Baden must initially continue to forego eating together.

The district office of Lörrach has asked the Administrative Court of Mannheim (VGH) to postpone a settlement proposal.

Actually, both parties should decide by Monday.

Now, following a notification on Friday, the authority has applied for an extension to April 21.

She justified this with new recommendations from the Robert Koch Institute for completely vaccinated people.

These still have to be evaluated at the state and federal level.

A decision by the VGH on the application is still pending.

The lawyer at the senior center in Steinen (Lörrach district) spoke of another “bizarre turn” in the case.

"The state is putting the urgently required protection of fundamental rights for the vaccinated residents of the senior citizens' facility, which the VGH Baden-Württemberg has now also granted with its settlement proposal, on the back burner," criticized Patrick Heinemann.

It is difficult to understand how the administrative judiciary and the government dealt with the basic rights of vaccinated seniors.


The VGH had on Tuesday in a settlement proposal allowed the operation of the cafeteria for vaccinated or recovered residents and employees.

He had justified this with a reassessment by the Robert Koch Institute, according to which vaccinated people are hardly contagious.

In mid-March, the VGH rejected the opening in a resolution.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210409-99-138255 / 2

VGH-PM on the settlement proposal


VGH decision of 18.3.

Link to the senior center

RKI for contact person tracking