
Homberg / Ohm (dpa / lhe) - environmental activists want to set an example for a traffic turnaround at a “climate camp in Danni” near the construction site of the controversial new A49 route in central Hesse.

For ten days, workshops, lectures and discussions are on the program at Dannenröder Forest in Homberg / Ohm (Vogelsbergkreis).

It is also about showing that the protest against the expansion of Autobahn 49 continues, said a spokeswoman for the camp organization, which also includes the alliance “Forests instead of asphalt”.

At the beginning of the camp on Friday, the spokeswoman estimated the number of participants at around 200. A similar number of activists awaited her in the coming days.

The police were also on site, which, according to a spokesman, initially assumed a peaceful course.

Keep an eye on the situation.

Last autumn, the Dannenröder forest was the focus of violent protests by environmental and climate protectionists: They had erected tree house villages and barricades to prevent or delay the clearing for the further construction of the A49.

Trees were felled not only in the Dannenröder Forest, but also in the Maulbacher Forest near Homberg and in the Herrenwald near Stadtallendorf (Marburg-Biedenkopf district).


The large-scale clearing has now been completed, and the construction company officially took over the area at the beginning of March.

Most of the work should be completed by the end of 2024.

The motorway is to connect Kassel and Giessen more directly with one another.

While the proponents hope for less traffic in the villages of the region and better road connections, the activists see the project as contradicting an environmentally friendly transport turnaround.

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