
Gelsenkirchen (AP) - A buggy with a toddler fell over the platform edge onto the tracks at Gelsenkirchen main station.

Travelers and federal police officers who happened to be present were able to save the child from a train arriving a little later, the police announced on Friday.

According to the information, there was an elderly man on Friday morning with his grandson, who was sitting in the sports stroller, on the platform.

When the senior turned around briefly to get information on a notice, the buggy started moving on the slightly sloping platform and fell over the edge into the track area with the child buckled on board.

The officers suspect that the man did not set the parking brakes on the buggy.

Police officers and travelers noticed the accident immediately and were able to get the slightly injured child out of the route area in good time.

A few minutes later, a regional express drove into the place.

After the first aid measures, rescue workers brought the toddler and the shocked Gelsenkirchener to the hospital.


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Police report