
Löffingen (dpa / lsw) - About two dozen monkeys broke out of an animal park in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district.

As the police announced on Thursday, current construction work in the park in Löffingen may be the reason that the primates discovered a way out of their enclosure.

The animals were initially on the move in packs in the direction of the Dittishausen district.

Employees of the zoo had tried to recapture the Barbary macaques.

By the afternoon they had not been able to track the animals, as a police spokesman said.

The primates are said to be harmless, shy and fearful.

The police asked not to speak to or feed the Barbary macaques.

Passers-by should also not try to catch the animals.

In such a case, the monkeys might react less friendly, added the police spokesman.


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Notification of the police