
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - SPD and CDU in the Hamburg citizenship have accused each other of misusing the Corona issue for national political profiling.

On the part of the Union, it is North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister and CDU boss Armin Laschet and the CSU chairman, Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder, who are vying for the top candidate for the federal election, said SPD parliamentary group leader Dirk Kienscherf.

"This is about the pandemic and it is not about the chancellorship, the candidacy for chancellor," he warned on Thursday during the debate on the latest corona containment ordinance of the red-green Senate.

CDU parliamentary group leader Dennis Thering, for his part, accused the Social Democrats of attacking the Union as a government partner in the federal government in order to bring its chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz out of the polls.

"This virus is not suitable for premature entry into the federal election campaign," he said.

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