
Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - State and municipalities have drawn up an initial timetable for a comprehensive quick test offer for daycare children.

However, there will still be no compulsory testing that is massively demanded by the trade unions, as in schools.

According to the state and the municipal associations, the most important questions about the financing of regular tests have now been clarified.

In a next step, the municipalities must endeavor to obtain a sufficient number of test kits on the market.

If an offer can be made in all cities and municipalities, a kind of test obligation is under discussion, according to the Baden-Württemberg Municipal Council on Thursday.

The aim is to be able to test around 450,000 supervised children up to the age of seven twice a week.

However, the state only pays part of the costs for the tests.

In the age group for children from three years of age, 30 percent of the costs are covered.

For children under three years of age, the state contributes through the operating costs, which are also to be used to finance the rapid tests.

The state bears the full cost of the employee's tests.

"As a result, the state is contributing half of the costs of the tests at the daycare centers and in day care," said the State Ministry.

The state and municipalities are also calling on the federal government to do its part in combating the pandemic and to bear the costs.

However, time is of the essence.

Therefore, the municipalities could not wait until this financial question has been resolved, said Steffen Jäger, President of the Municipal Assembly.

"The agreement with the state is now the starting shot that the municipalities and sponsors have been waiting for."

However, it is a challenge to obtain a sufficient number of test kits.

"That is why we will certainly not be able to start the new testing everywhere tomorrow," said Jäger of the dpa.

"Because you can only get what the market has to offer."


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