
Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - The official starting signal for the first corona vaccinations will be given today in North Rhine-Westphalia for those born in 1941.

According to the Düsseldorf Ministry of Health, they will be vaccinated with the preparation from Biontech / Pfizer.

Since Tuesday this age group has been asked to book appointments.

As the "Rheinische Post" reported, more than 100,000 people have already followed.

Some 79-year-olds may have had an earlier chance if they had a vaccination appointment at the weekend for a special offer for an Astrazeneca batch.

Appointments are booked through the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians - online via www.116117.de and by telephone via the central number 116 117 or additional numbers, depending on the part of the country, via 0800 116 117 02 for Westphalia-Lippe and 0800 116 117 01 for the Rhineland.

Couple bookings are possible, regardless of the age of the partner.


In order to ensure that appointments are made as smoothly as possible, invitations are sent to the vaccinations by letter.

According to the Ministry of Health, around 1.6 million people in NRW are 70 to 80 years old.

At the same time, the first and second vaccinations for over 80-year-olds continue in the vaccination centers.

This group includes 1.2 million people.

Vaccinations for particularly vulnerable occupational groups will also be continued.

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