M appointed a commission two years ago to develop a new integration policy.

The final report is presented today.

M-leader Ulf Kristersson writes on Dagens Nyheter's debate page that the overall goal for politics should be that immigration "overall should be good for Sweden".

Kristersson points out that every fifth person abroad and that more than 400,000 asylum-related residence permits have been granted in the last ten years.

He states that integration has failed because Sweden has not done what is required.

Is grant dependent

According to figures from the Riksdag, 675,000 adults who immigrated are dependent on benefits.

M's new policy will be evaluated on the basis of two measures: The degree of self-sufficiency among immigrants and how many speak comprehensible Swedish.

The debate article mentions reforms in six different areas that "can be implemented by a bourgeois government after the 2022 election". 

Reduce immigration

M wants to introduce a volume target for immigration that corresponds to the levels in the Nordic neighboring countries.

The number of migrants in Sweden must be reduced with clear subsistence requirements and requirements that immigrants must qualify for benefits and welfare benefits through work.

M wants to reduce the compensation during the first five years in Sweden by removing the right to maintenance support and establishment allowance.

New arrivals will instead receive a uniform establishment allowance from the state and a job premium, as well as lower taxes given to those who work.

M also proposes a requirement for a pass in SFI to receive a grant and a language requirement, as well as a passed exam in community orientation, for a permanent residence permit and citizenship.

Fight the time

The party also proposes that the right of asylum seekers to settle wherever they wish should be abolished.

Language preschool for children who do not speak Swedish is also proposed.

Among the proposals, M also includes proposals against gang crime, such as giving the police the right to establish visitation zones.

According to Kristersson, it has been wrong since the 70s to see integration as a "process from two sides".

"It is not about being forced to give up one's own culture, but about a necessary practical adaptation to function in Swedish society - to respect the laws, customs and usages that apply here," writes the M-leader.