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was a Democratic Party that won 180 seats in the parliamentary election last year, but in a year, public sentiment changed.

The People's Strength candidates won in 25 districts in Seoul and 16 districts and counties in Busan.

Reporter Jeong-Hyun Jung analyzed how the voting tendency was according to age and gender, along with the results of counting in regions where the opposition parties were traditionally strong against each other.


Maps of Seoul and Busan that contain the counting results are all red.

The power of the people in 25 districts in Seoul, 16 districts and counties in Busan, press the Democratic Party to wipe out 41 to 0.

Let’s compare it with the local elections three years ago.

At the time, Democratic Party candidate Park Won-soon was ranked first in all 25 districts in Seoul.

But this time, on the contrary, Candidate Se-hoon Oh, the power of the people, won all of the wards.

It's flipped 180 degrees from 25 to 0 to 0 to 25.

Let’s look at Gangnam District 3, which has traditionally been highly conservative.

Candidate Oh won more than 60% of the votes, especially in Gangnam-gu, which was three times more than candidate Park Young-seon.

In Gangnam 3 district alone, 340,000 more votes were secured than Park candidate.

What about Gangseo, Geumcheon, and Gwanak-gu, which have pushed all the ruling party in the recent four big elections.

This time, they turned to red, opposition support.

In these three districts, Candidate Oh also voted more than 50,000 more than Park Candidate.

The driving force behind the people's overwhelming victory was the votes in their 20s and 30s, which have been attracting attention in various public opinion polls.

It is not possible to know who voted for whom because it is a secret ballot, but what can be measured indirectly is the exit survey data of the three terrestrial broadcasters.

Based on this, I analyzed voting propensity.

First of all, by age group, it is analyzed that all age groups, except those in their 40s, who are the core supporters of the Democratic Party, preferred candidates for the People's Strength.

This was especially true for those in their 20s and 30s.

In the local election three years ago, candidate Park Won-soon was supported by more than 60%, but this time, more than half of Candidate Se-hoon Oh's hand was raised, the exit survey data says.

We'll also look at gender voting propensity.

The change in the votes of male voters is also considered a factor in the opposition victory.

It is estimated that 60% of male voters will choose Oh Se-hoon and nearly 40% of candidate Park Young-seon. In particular, 72.5% of male voters in their 20s are expected to support Candidate Oh.

This is higher than the 70.2% of Oh's voters in their 60s and older.

Women voters have generally been more inclined to support the Democratic Party.

More than half of the female voters were analyzed to have supported Oh, and Park's approval rating was less than 40%.

Some analysts say that the voting tendency has changed this time due to suspicion of sexual misconduct by former Democratic mayors.

(Video editing: Jeong Seong-hoon)