
Saarbrücken (dpa / lrs) - The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KV) Saarland expects that around 80 percent of Saarlanders will have received their first vaccination against the corona virus in eight weeks.

The KV Saarland announced on Thursday that a total of around 700,000 vaccinations would have to be carried out in the vaccination centers and medical practices.

Joachim Meiser, deputy chairman of the board of KV in the state, had previously told the "Saarbrücker Zeitung" that every citizen in Saarland would be offered a first vaccination "by the end of June, at the latest in July".

The prerequisite is that there are no complications and that delivery commitments are kept.

According to a model project with eight participating medical practices, the vaccinations in the remaining medical practices in Saarland started this week.

The KV Saarland announced that 4427 vaccinations were carried out within the first 24 hours.

"800 doctors are registered, how many have already started is not yet known."

Between 18 and 24 doses of the vaccine were allocated to each doctor.

According to KV, around 50,000 vaccinations per week could take place in around 600 registered medical practices.

At this point in time, around 200,000 Saarlanders have been vaccinated.

According to the Ministry of Health on Thursday, 213 447 vaccine doses have been administered in Saarland so far (as of 12.20 p.m.).

"We expect that around 150,000 more vaccinations will take place in the vaccination centers in the next few months," the KV said.

If you add 50,000 vaccinations per week in the doctor's office, around 750,000 vaccinations could have been administered in eight weeks.

According to the State Statistical Office, 986 887 people live in Saarland (as of December 31, 2019).


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