
Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - The general practitioners' practices brought the vaccination campaign in Saxony-Anhalt forward vigorously on the first day.

According to the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KV), almost 11,000 patients received their first spades on the first full day of the corona vaccinations at family doctors on Wednesday.

That was about as many vaccinations as the vaccination centers in Saxony-Anhalt had managed the day before (10,118).

"The resident doctors have long awaited the start of the vaccination in their practices and have prepared intensively for it to be able to start right away with full power," said the head of the KV Sachsen-Anhalt, Jörg Böhme, on Thursday.

"They make a significant contribution to a rapid vaccination coverage of the population and thus to the protection of everyone."

Many of the colleagues have also been working in the vaccination centers for weeks.

Three and a half months after the start of vaccination in Germany, the pharmacies delivered the first doses of the Biontech vaccine to general practitioners in Germany on Tuesday.

However, due to the small delivery quantities, the practices initially only received 12 to 48 doses each.

In the coming weeks, the delivery quantities are expected to increase significantly and specialists will also join the vaccination campaign.

"This will bring us a big step closer to the goal of being able to lead a life without Corona restrictions again," said Böhme.


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