
Rodenbach (dpa / lhe) - A 52-year-old man was arrested in Rodenbach (Main-Kinzig-Kreis) after allegedly rioting on his garden property and threatening neighbors and police officers.

As the police announced on Thursday, the drunk man is said to have behaved "extremely aggressively" and resisted arrest.

Neighbors had alerted the police because he is said to have threatened, among other things, "to blow everything up".

During the arrest on Wednesday evening, the police said they used a dog that bit the man in the leg to make him "incapacitated".

The 52-year-old was therefore treated in the hospital in the meantime.

During a search of the property on Thursday afternoon, the police found several legal and illegal weapons.

It was said that they had been secured.

The police started the investigation, among other things, on suspicion of violating the gun law.


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