
Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - The so-called seven-day incidence of new corona infections in Baden-Württemberg is initially around the 100 mark.

In the course of the past seven days, the authorities have registered an average of 101.1 infections per 100,000 inhabitants as of Wednesday (4:00 p.m.), as the state health department announced.

On Tuesday the incidence was 100.7, on Monday it was significantly higher at 116.8.

Only 22 of the 44 urban and rural districts are currently above the 100 threshold, but all are above the 50 mark.

The value is still highest in the Schwäbisch Hall district (229.2).

The number of confirmed cases since the beginning of the pandemic rose by 3,109 to 377,111. 36 other people died of an infection with or in connection with the coronavirus, the number of deaths rose to 8,831. 337,872 infected people are considered recovered (plus 1,863).


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Situation reports

RKI: Vaccination Quota Monitoring