
Koblenz / Büchenbeuren / Lohmar (dpa) - In the case of the killed Birgit A. from North Rein-Westphalia, only a few reports have been received by the police.

"We hope for more," said a police spokesman on Wednesday morning in Koblenz.

The police asked the population for help at the beginning of the week.

After finding the remains of a woman who was missing six years ago, officials suspect a violent crime.

Birgit A., who comes from Lohmar (Rhein-Sieg district), left her place of work at Hahn Airport on Holy Saturday 2015, but never got home.

In November 2020, a mushroom picker found the woman's remains in a forest near Büchenbeuren in the Rhein-Hunsrück district.

At first it was unclear whether the woman had been a victim of a felony or had a fatal accident.

Profilers from North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate had reconstructed the crime and showed new investigative approaches, so that the police now assume a violent crime.

Forensic investigations are ongoing to find clues about a possible perpetrator.


The public prosecutor in Bad Kreuznach offered a reward of 5,000 euros for information that led to the investigation of the crime and the investigation of the perpetrator.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210407-99-110800 / 2

Notes from the police