
Vechta (dpa / lni) - After the OVG ruling on the curfew in Hanover, the Vechta district is now dispensing with such a measure to combat high numbers of corona infections.

After a legal review of the judgment of the Higher Administrative Court (OVG) Lüneburg, the corresponding general order for the Vechta district had been repealed, said a district spokeswoman on Wednesday.

Initially, the news portal of the Münsterland daily newspaper and the Oldenburg people's newspaper “Om online” reported.

Due to the high number of infections, the Vechta district announced nocturnal exit restrictions for the district town and the towns of Visbek, Steinfeld, Lohne and Goldenstedt at the beginning of the week.

They should come into force on Thursday.

The Lower Saxony Higher Administrative Court decided on Tuesday in the case of the city of Hanover that the exit restrictions were not a necessary protective measure, as they violated the principle of proportionality.

Further procedures to review curfews in other municipalities are therefore expected.


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