Chickpeas are especially known for being a main ingredient in oriental dishes, and it is a member of the legume family.

In this report, which was published in the German magazine "oekotest", the author, Lina Pretzel, discusses the health benefits of this type of legume.

The author mentioned that this type of light brown legume grows in various parts of the world, but it is known that it comes mainly from the Mediterranean region.

Chickpeas are rich in carbohydrates and proteins, and this makes them suitable for those who follow a vegetarian diet, but it is not recommended to eat chickpeas raw.

What are the benefits of eating chickpeas daily?

  • Supplying the body with protein.

  • Your body gets carbohydrates and calories.

  • Chickpeas contain a lot of fiber, and they help you feel full.

  • Supplying the body with nutrients such as vitamins A and E.

Is chickpeas easy to digest?

The fibers in chickpeas enhance the digestive process and make you feel full for a longer time, but chickpeas also contain small amounts of an indigestible sugar called "raffinose" that causes gas in the intestine and flatulence, which makes it a source of annoyance for some people.

And if you prepare chickpeas with fresh herbs like parsley, rosemary and thyme, it will be more digestible.

Can you eat chickpeas raw?

Raw chickpeas contain the toxic "phasin", a substance that becomes less dangerous with the effect of heat when chickpeas are cooked or boiled in water, so chickpeas should be consumed cooked.

How to store and cook chickpeas in a correct way

All you have to do is store the dry chickpeas in a dry place, away from light and at a low temperature, so that it does not lose its color.

Before consuming it, dried chickpeas must be soaked for a minimum of 12 hours and cooked for about two hours, until they become soft.

Hummus can be used to prepare falafel, salads and pies.

It is advisable to cook chickpeas in the skillet for a few minutes to prepare a snack between meals, or add it to soups and salads to add some crunch.

Chickpea flour can also be used as an alternative to wheat flour for making bread or an omelette with eggs.