
Flensburg (dpa / lno) - After the fatal dispute among young people in Flensburg, the investigators are still looking for the motives.

The alleged 19-year-old perpetrator made use of his right to refuse to testify before the judge, said Inke Dellius, the press spokeswoman for the Flensburg public prosecutor's office.

A 16-year-old was fatally injured in the confrontation on Good Friday.

According to previous knowledge, the suspect and his victim had got into an argument on a viewing platform in Flensburg.

The older one is said to have stabbed the younger one with a knife.

A knife stab hit the 16-year-old in the head and injured him so badly that he later died in hospital.

Dellius said that the 19-year-old German was being investigated on suspicion of manslaughter.

The young man had been arrested on Holy Saturday night.


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