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06 April 2021 In February the employed were 22,197,000, or 945,000 fewer than in February 2020. This was reported by Istat, explaining that compared to January there was substantial stability (+6,000).

"The repeated economic downturns in employment, recorded from the beginning of the health emergency until January 2021 - we read - caused a drop in employment compared to February 2020" (-4.1% equal to -945,000 units).

The decrease involves men and women, employees (-590,000) and self-employed (-355,000) and all age groups.

The employment rate fell by 2.2 percentage points in one year, reaching 56.5%.

In January, the number of employees fell: -184,000 on December

In January, the employed were 22,191,000 with a decrease of 184,000 on December 2020. This is what emerges from the Istat tables on the data for January and February 2021. The Institute recalls that from 1 January 2021 the new survey on Forces was launched which incorporates the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2019/1700.

The time series of the aggregates disclosed in this press release - explains the Institute - have been reconstructed in provisional mode, for the period between January 2004 and December 2020. Time comparisons can only be made with the reconstructed time series data and not with those previously widespread ".

Unemployment rate for young people in February at 31.6%

The unemployment rate for young people between 15 and 24 years old in February was 31.6% with a decrease of 1.2 points on January and an increase of 2, 6 points on February 2020 before the start of the restrictions on activities to prevent contagion from Covid, notes Istat. Young people at work in February were 919,000, 15.7% of the total, with a decrease of 159,000 units compared to a year earlier and an increase of 4,000 units over January.