
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - The Hamburg family doctors are starting corona vaccinations in their practices this week.

Of the 940,000 vaccine doses expected by the federal and state governments, an estimated 20,000 would be in Hamburg, said Walter Plassmann, chairman of the board of the Hamburg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KVHH), on Tuesday.

How many of the 1,200 general practitioners' practices in Hamburg are participating in the campaign, nobody can say.

Basically, vaccination in practices is normal in Germany.

"The vaccination returns to where it actually belongs," said Plassmann.

Due to the ongoing delivery of the vaccine, the vaccinations will not start before Wednesday noon, added the chairman of the KVHH representative assembly, Dirk Heinrich.

Initially, only the Biontech vaccine is used in the practices.

Plassberg appealed to citizens not to report to the practices of their own accord.

Doctors would contact their patients.

Otherwise the practices threatened to be paralyzed.

The vaccination prioritization stipulates that currently mainly people over 75 years of age are vaccinated.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210406-99-99612 / 2

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