
Several members of the Union's parliamentary group have spoken out in favor of a say in the Union's candidacy for chancellor in the upcoming federal election.

The "Spiegel" reports, citing several members of the Bundestag.

According to the Bundestag member Michael von Abercron, such an important decision should actually be made through a vote of the members: "Because this is probably no longer possible for both parties in the short term and is at least unclear under the statutes, a vote on the opinion of the entire CDU would be / CDU parliamentary group certainly more transparent and less arbitrary. "

MEP Stefan Sauer also speaks out in favor of a vote: “Politics is experienced very differently in the 299 constituencies.

The parliamentary group is therefore a good sounding board when it comes to describing the mood in the country and making personal decisions. "


Member of the Bundestag, Sylvia Pantel, said that a modern party would not fit “disguising the candidate in the back room”.

“If the best way, namely to question the members, does not work, then at least the group should have a say.

Because the parliamentary group members in particular have to pass this choice of direction, ”said Pantel.

The MP Andreas Mattfeldt also prefers a member vote, but also supports a vote in the parliamentary group, and the Thuringian member of the Bundestag Johannes Selle also considers polling the Bundestag parliamentary group to be the right way, as both told the "Spiegel".

The MP Klaus-Peter Willsch called on the parliamentary group leader Ralph Brinkhaus to “demand a decisive role for the parliamentary group in the selection of the top candidates”.

Hamburg's CDU leader Christoph Ploß and MP Astrit Mannes, however, initially rejected a vote in the parliamentary group.

Söder ahead in surveys


The model for the proposal for a vote in the parliamentary group is the Chancellor candidate by Franz Josef Strauss in 1979. The CSU man prevailed against the Lower Saxony Prime Minister Ernst Albrecht, supported by Helmut Kohl, with 135 to 102 votes.

Most recently, CSU general secretary Alexander Dobrindt and CDU member representative Henning Otte had spoken out in favor of including the Union parliamentary group in the question of the candidate for chancellor.

Both the CDU chairman Armin Laschet and the Bavarian Prime Minister and CSU leader Markus Söder are said to have ambitions for the office of Federal Chancellor.

However, neither Laschet nor Söder have officially registered their candidacy for chancellor.

As the head of the major Union party, Laschet is generally given the first right of access.

Söder regularly emphasizes that his place is in Bavaria.

In surveys, Markus Söder was recently able to score higher than the CDU chairman Armin Laschet.

Both politicians have stated that they want to resolve the issue of the candidacy for chancellor between Easter and Pentecost amicably.

On the Easter weekend, Söder surprisingly asked for Chancellor Angela Merkel to be included.

"The decision about the candidate for chancellor should also be closely coordinated with Angela Merkel," said Söder of "Bild am Sonntag".