
Saarbrücken (dpa / lrs) - The number of corona infections in Saarland rose within one day by 67 to a total of 32,488 on Monday.

1748 people are currently infected, reported the Ministry of Social Affairs (as of 4 p.m.).

One day before the planned opening measures, the incidence, i.e. the number of infections per 100,000 inhabitants on 7 consecutive days, rose to 91.3.

On Sunday the value was 88.2.

According to the ministry, 160 of the patients suffering from the virus are currently being treated as inpatients - 53 of them in intensive care.

The number of people who died with or from the virus remains unchanged at 941.

From Tuesday on, outdoor restaurants, cinemas, theaters, fitness studios and tennis halls will reopen.

The prerequisite for guests and users is usually a negative rapid test that must not be older than 24 hours.

In addition, up to ten people can meet outdoors if they have tested negative.

With the "Saarland Model", the state government wants to give citizens more freedom again.


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