
Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for April 6, 2021:

14th calendar week, 96th day of the year

269 ​​days until the end of the year


Zodiac sign: Aries

Name day: Petrus, Wilhelm



2019 - In Berlin and other German cities tens of thousands take to the streets against rising rents.

In addition, a referendum for the expropriation of large housing groups has started in Berlin.

2016 - The Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig allows a seriously ill man to grow cannabis at home for the first time.

2006 - Halit Yozgat, an internet café operator of Turkish origin from Kassel, is shot dead in his shop.

He is the ninth victim of a series of murders in which small businesses with a migration background have been murdered in Germany since 2000.

Members of the "National Socialist Underground" (NSU) terror cell were later identified as the perpetrators.


2001 - The storage of the “genetic fingerprint” of a criminal may only be ordered in the case of crimes of considerable importance, decides the Federal Constitutional Court.

1996 - The civil war in the West African Republic of Liberia, which has killed at least 150,000 people since 1989, encroaches on the capital Monrovia.

Enemy tribal militias roam the city, pillaging and murdering.

More than 2,000 foreigners are evacuated via a US airlift.

1991 - In Frankfurt / M.

the rebuilt opera is inaugurated with a ceremony.

It was destroyed by arson in 1987.

1971 - The four-time child murderer Jürgen Bartsch is sentenced in a second trial by the Düsseldorf Regional Court to ten years' youth imprisonment and subsequent admission to a mental institution.

1941 - Beginning of the Balkan campaign: the German armed forces invade Yugoslavia and Greece.

1896 - The first modern Olympic Games begin in Athens.



1991 - Alexandra Popp (30), German soccer player, soccer player of the year 2014 and 2016

1946 - Wolfgang Ischinger (75), German diplomat, Chairman of the Munich Security Conference since 2008, Ambassador to the USA 2001-2006, Ambassador to Great Britain 2006-2008

1941 - Hans W. Geißendörfer (80), German film and television producer (ARD series "Lindenstrasse")

1941 - Peter Nagel (80), German painter and graphic artist, founder and main representative of New Realism in Germany, founding member of the artist group "Zebra"

1936 - Manfred Schoof (85), German jazz musician, trumpeter, pioneer of free jazz in Europe, composer of numerous film and television music


2020 - Radomir Antic, Serbian football player and coach, coach of Atletico Madrid 1995-1998 and 1999, FC Barcelona 2003, born in 1948

1971 - Igor Stravinsky, Russian-American composer (ballet compositions “Firebird”, “Le Sacre du Printemps”), born in 1882

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