
Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - The police in Saxony-Anhalt drew a positive balance after the Easter holidays.

There was not a particularly large number of violations of the corona restrictions between Friday and Monday, said a spokesman for the police inspection in Halle.

The days had passed without increased interventions due to disregarded corona rules, the police in Magdeburg confirmed.

The Ministry of the Interior had announced before Easter that it wanted to increasingly monitor compliance with the country's Corona Containment Ordinance.

A spokesman for the Interior Ministry said on Thursday that the police would also use a helicopter to check compliance with the contact restrictions from the air.

The streets of Saxony-Anhalt were mostly quiet too.

"Most of the traffic rolled without incident," said a spokeswoman for the ADAC on Monday.

The reason for the low volume of traffic was also the significantly reduced return traffic in the country.

Except for one accident on the A9, there were no major incidents, the spokeswoman said.


How many people the Saxony-Anhalters were allowed to celebrate Easter with depended on the infection levels of the district in which they live.

In counties in which the value of infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week was over 100 for three days in a row, meetings and celebrations were allowed with a maximum of one person who did not come from their own household.

In circles in which the incidence was stable below 100, however, it was possible to celebrate with up to five guests from another household.

There was good news at the weekend for the catering and accommodation businesses in Saxony-Anhalt, which again this year could not cater for their visitors as usual: The Ministry of Economics issued the first permits for model projects in the hospitality industry in the Harz and Mansfeld-Südharz districts.

According to this, the outdoor catering could be open until 9 p.m. in several Harz municipalities despite the Corona measures.

According to the Ministry, the planned start of the project in the Harz Mountains is April 9, the trial is limited to April 30.

According to the ministry, the model application from the district of Mansfeld-Südharz provides for the opening of two hotels between April 16 and May 14.

The condition is that the seven-day incidence of 200 new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days at the respective starting time of the projects is not exceeded.

On Easter Monday, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) gave the seven-day incidence for Saxony-Anhalt as 159.5.

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