Robert Mundell, winner of the 1999 Nobel Prize in Economics and "Father of the Euro", died of illness at his home in Italy on Easter April 4 at the age of 88.

  Li Daxi, chairman of the American International Chinese Technology Business Association who is very familiar with the Mundell family, confirmed the news.

Mundell’s son Bill told Lee: “My father passed away a few hours ago. May he rest in peace. It is unbelievable that this is Easter. What’s even more incredible is that I dreamt last night that he was regained and conscious. I witnessed his resurrection with my own eyes."

  Robert A. Mundell (Robert A. Mundell), born in Ontario, Canada in October 1932, the 1999 Nobel Prize in Economics, the founder of the "Optimal Currency Area Theory", known as the "Father of the Euro" ".

  (Producing Li Jiali)

Editor in charge: [Li Ji]