
Kiel (dpa / lno) - The seven-day incidence in Schleswig-Holstein was 67.6 on Easter Sunday.

This is based on data from the Ministry of Health in Kiel (as of April 4, 8:05 p.m.).

A week ago, the number of new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days was 68.5.

One district in Schleswig-Holstein exceeded 100 new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week: Segeberg (132.8).

In Pinneberg the value is slightly below the mark - at 99.0.

The number of reported new corona infections was 162 (Saturday: 169).

On Sunday last week there were 151. The number of corona deaths remained at 1,441.


The corona numbers over Easter should be interpreted with caution.

The Robert Koch Institute points out that fewer tests are usually made and reported on the Easter holidays.

190 corona patients continued to be treated in the hospital, 54 of them in intensive care (Saturday: 51).

36 were ventilated (Saturday: 32).

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210404-99-85157 / 2


Corona cases reported for Schleswig-Holstein

RKI dashboard