
Wiesbaden (dpa / lhe) - The Corona crisis poses major financial challenges for many thermal baths and baths in Hesse.

The Hessian Spa Association announced this on request.

The association represents 20 spas and thermal baths in Hessen, 18 of which are in municipal hands.

"Thermal baths and baths represent large cost blocks," said managing director Almut Boller.

"This also affects municipal budgets, which means that they are overloaded."

In addition, investments had already been postponed last year, resulting in an investment backlog.

It will be very difficult for the municipalities by next year at the latest.

"Then when the municipal budgets are even more burdened and it has to be looked at where savings can be made."

The operation of a thermal bath causes a large proportion of fixed costs.

“You can't just switch off a thermal bath,” said Boller.

"If the water stands, it is not good for the pool, the water or the pipes."

According to Boller, the association assumes that the thermal baths and spas in Hesse will remain closed for at least four to eight weeks.


Even if an opening should become possible, this cannot be implemented immediately.

“We need four weeks in advance to get started again,” said Boller.

"The baths have to be re-approved by the health department after they have been temporarily closed."

In addition, the employees would have to be brought back and the temperature of the baths had to be raised.

In order to survive the Corona crisis, the association would like politicians to give significantly more support to health resorts with thermal baths and spas.

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Hessian spas