
Munich / Landshut (dpa / lby) - The Protestant regional bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm has emphasized the comforting character of the Easter message.

«Death doesn't have the last word.

Jesus takes us all with him on his way from the darkness of death to the light of resurrection », he said, according to a speech manuscript published in advance, at a service in Landshut on Saturday evening.

Death loses its horror, said Bedford-Strohm.

«Our loved ones have left us not into the darkness, but into the light.

And we hope that in this light we will one day be reunited. "

He particularly remembered those who mourned the Corona crisis.

«So many people have not been able to hold hands with loved ones when they die.

So many people stood at graves.

At the graves of loved ones who are very old and full of life - or, for very different reasons, died long before their time. "


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