
Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - The North Rhine-Westphalian state government is investing around 28.5 million euros in village renewal this year.

As Home Minister Ina Scharrenbach (CDU) announced on Saturday, the money will flow into a total of 344 projects in 145 communities.

For example, village shops, community houses or village squares as well as measures for accessibility would be funded.

"The rural areas in North Rhine-Westphalia with their numerous villages and village-like communities are home, living and economic areas for almost half of the inhabitants of our state North Rhine-Westphalia," explained Scharrenbach.

The pandemic in particular shows how important cross-generational places for social coexistence are.

Together with the state's own funding for the fire service infrastructure, which was announced for the first time this year, NRW is investing a total of 51.4 million euros in places with up to 10,000 inhabitants.


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