
Dresden (dpa / sn) - The Higher Regional Court (OLG) Dresden will have its own room for state security proceedings until 2024, which will meet the necessary security requirements.

The building is to be built near the penal institution, with an underground connection to it, said OLG President Leon Ross of the German Press Agency.

This will also minimize the effort involved in bringing the accused.

The project is already anchored in the double budget draft 2021/2022, and the construction site has been cleared.

A spokeswoman for the finance ministry said she could not say anything about the specific costs.

"The whole thing is in the approval process."

According to the OLG boss Ross, the new building is to have a second room in addition to the large, divisible hall, which can be used by the regional court for security-related proceedings, such as gang crime.

"The necessary security structure is then available there."

The State Security Senate is currently negotiating in the cafeteria of a refugee reception center.

While it was still being set up, the high-security hall was set up there in 2016 for the first trial against suspected right-wing terrorists of the “Gruppe Freital” in 2017 - for 5.5 million euros.

Since the previous 16 terrorism and extremism proceedings at the OLG will be followed by more, a permanent solution is required instead of an interim one.


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