
Stuttgart (dpa) - In the course of the anti-corona demonstrations in Stuttgart, participants violated hygiene rules a thousand times.

The mayor for security, order and sport, Clemens Maier, said on Saturday: "Now we had to discover thousands of administrative offenses in the afternoon."

The police and the city directly punished individual offenses.

“In addition, everyone who went to the rallies without a mask and without a distance would have to expect an administrative offense report,” says Maier.

The state government of Baden-Wuerttemberg will also be advised to what extent the corona ordinance will be adjusted in terms of assemblies based on experience.

With reference to the current regulation, which does not restrict the right to meetings even in times of pandemic, the city approved the demo of the “lateral thinking” movement.

More than 10,000 people came to the state capital on Saturday, most of them did not wear a mask over their mouth and nose.

The demonstrators also often did not keep their distances.

"The pictures from Stuttgart are not nice, but they are no comparison to the recent events in Brussels, Kassel or Dresden," said Maier, referring to the riots in the other cities.

The day in Stuttgart was largely peaceful.


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