
Falkenstein (dpa / sa) - Falkenstein Castle in the Harz Mountains reopened to visitors on Saturday.

A falconry show was also part of the reopening, said the deputy museum director, Nadine Breitschuh.

The Falkenhof demonstrates birds such as falcons, eagle owls and eagles in free flight.

The performances took place twice on the day of the reopening.

The exhibition rooms of the castle are also open again, said Breitschuh.

The castle belongs to the Saxony-Anhalt Cultural Foundation.

This also includes the Lyonel Feininger Gallery in Quedlinburg, the Cathedral Treasury in Halberstadt and the Michaelstein Monastery.

The facilities were all able to open on Holy Saturday as planned.

The visitors had to book online tickets and adhere to the current corona rules and hygiene concepts on site.

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Information about Falkenstein Castle