
Dortmund (dpa / lnw) - In order to avoid a traffic control, a car driver in Dortmund delivered a chase with the police.

The 35-year-old was followed for several kilometers through the city early on Friday morning, the police said on Saturday.

When the driver was finally stopped, he could not show a driver's license.

In addition, a pre-test for cocaine had positive results.

A blood sample was taken from the man.

In the car there were two teenagers aged 12 and 15 who were given to their mother.

The relationship between the 35-year-old and the young people was initially not known.

The police said the car had already been deregistered since mid-March.

Since it could not initially be clarified who owned the vehicle, it was secured.

The police have started investigations against the 35-year-old.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210403-99-72530 / 2


Notification of the police