After participating in the preliminary voting for the mayoral election of the mayor of Seoul, he posted a'bare-handed voting verification shot' on social media, and then a controversial Democratic Party lawmaker apologized.

Rep. Goh Kohn Jung-jung bowed her head, saying, "There was a point on the pre-voting verification shot that I uploaded yesterday" through a Facebook post today (3rd), and "I regret the inappropriate behavior."

He added, "In the future, we will more thoroughly follow the recommendations according to the corona quarantine regulations."

Congressman Ko previously participated in the pre-voting yesterday (2nd) and posted a photo on Facebook with a red voting stamp on his thumb.

As a result, politics have been pointed out that it is a violation of the quarantine rules.

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) has said that if a voting stamp is taken with bare hands during a'voting certification shot', the voting equipment, etc. may be contaminated.