
Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for April 4, 2021:

13th calendar week, 94th day of the year

271 days until the end of the year


Zodiac sign: Aries

Name day: Ambrosius, Isidore



2020 - A membership vote determines the lawyer Keir Starmer (57) as the new head of the British Labor Party and thus as opposition leader.

Under his left-wing predecessor Jeremy Corbyn, the Social Democrats had suffered a heavy electoral defeat in 2019.

2019 - The AfD member of the Bundestag Mariana Harder-Kühnel fails for the third time in the election as Vice President of the Bundestag.

After her, the AfD politicians Gerold Otten and Paul Viktor Podolay run unsuccessfully.

2011 - Larry Page becomes head of internet giant Google.

The company's co-founder is returning to the top of Google after a ten-year hiatus.


2006 - In Colombia, a German is released more than five years after being kidnapped by Marxist rebels.

1986 - The Marx-Engels-Forum is inaugurated in East Berlin.

At the center of the forum in the immediate vicinity of the Palace of the Republic is a larger-than-life bronze sculpture of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels created by Ludwig Engelhardt.

1981 - For the first time a helmswoman sits in the boat of the victorious Oxford with Susan Brown in the rowing regatta of the University Eights of Oxford and Cambridge, which has been held since 1829.

1973 - The twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York are opened.

The towers designed by the architect Minoru Yamasaki are destroyed in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

1896 - The first issue of the illustrated weekly «Simplicissimus» is published in Munich.

1841 - William Henry Harrison dies as the first US President in office - just one month after his inauguration.

He had given his inaugural address without a coat in freezing weather and probably contracted the fatal pneumonia in the process.

To date, he is the US president with the shortest term.



1966 - Ann-Kathrin Kramer (55), German actress (ZDF crime series “Das Duo”, “The strange behavior of sexually mature urbanites during the mating season”)

1966 - Stefan Mappus (55), German politician (CDU), Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg 2010-2011

1941 - Angelica Domröse (80), German actress (“Effi Briest”, “The Legend of Paul and Paula”) and director, emigrated from the GDR to West Berlin in 1980

1941 - Helme Heine (80), German children's book author and illustrator («Well wait, said Schwarte», «Friends»)

1936 - Eberhard von Gemmingen (85), German father and journalist, former head of the German-language editorial team at Vatican Radio


2011 - Witta Pohl, German actress (TV series: «These Drombuschs»), born in 1937

1991 - Max Frisch, Swiss writer and playwright (novels: “Stiller”, “Homo faber”, plays: “Biedermann und die Brandstifter”, “Andorra”), born in 1911

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