
Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - Baden-Württemberg's business associations have welcomed the agreement on coalition negotiations between the Greens and the CDU, but expect new impetus from the continuation of the alliance.

The challenges facing the state demand “an ambitious and coordinated policy that focuses on investments instead of benefits,” said the President of Entrepreneurs Baden-Württemberg (UBW), Rainer Dulger, in Stuttgart on Saturday.

The focus should be on education, infrastructure, energy supply, promoting innovation and reducing bureaucracy.

Dulger certified the previous coalition as being “factually oriented government work” that was oriented towards solutions.

The President of the Handwerkstag, Rainer Reichhold, expressed himself in a similar direction.

"Now we need a state government capable of acting quickly with a tackling plan for Baden-Württemberg," it said in a statement.

A central topic is the strengthening of training and further education.


Sharp criticism, however, came from the opposition.

For example, SPD state and parliamentary group leader Andreas Stoch spoke of a "half-hearted repainting" with a view to the new edition of green-black.

“It is well known that always doing the same thing and expecting a different result is not a recipe for success.

Why should succeed now what has failed in the last five years? "

The chairman of the FDP parliamentary group in the state parliament, Hans-Ulrich Rülke, commented: "What is known here in terms of key results is for the CDU a declaration of bankruptcy of its own identity."

For example, the planned solar requirement for all new private buildings and the renovation of roofs is “a first-rate cost turbo for house builders” and also affects tenants in the housing stock.

The district chairman of the Junge Union Stuttgart, Thrasivoulos Malliaras, said that a new green-black alliance would be a good solution for the country.

The CDU's “historic election debacle” should not, however, “simply be shelved”.

That is why their youth organization is calling for an "extensive new staffing at the top of the party and parliamentary group".

«In particular, the appointment of ministries must no longer be an automatism.

It is time to put the reins in the hands of young faces. "

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