
Düsseldorf / Neuss (dpa / lnw) - For the second time, many Christian communities celebrated Good Friday under Corona conditions.

For example, the Protestant pastor Sebastian Appelfeller and his colleague Anna Berkholz called the Neuss-Süd community to the Gnadental fairground to experience a drive-in theater service with a big screen and a sermon on the car radio.

Rifle, fair and day-care parties are usually celebrated here.

More than 60 vehicles drove up to the approximately one-hour family church service - including the community bus with seniors from the old people's home, as Appelfeller reported to the German Press Agency in Düsseldorf.

Instead of the usual host, black bread rings and grapes were distributed, which young people with face masks and gloves passed in small wooden boats through the car window.

He talked about solidarity and that dying is something "that happens quickly on the sidelines," said Appelfeller.

In the best case scenario, the visitors would say: “We are not alone.

It goes on."


At the end, despite the quiet holiday, a small horn concert was allowed and the believers were waved out of the drive-in cinema by both pastors.

At the next drive-in cinema service in Neuss on Easter Sunday, everything “what the car can bring” will be allowed, with lights and horns and all possibilities, the pastor announced.

Nationwide there were both face-to-face services with hygiene requirements and online services.

The Evangelical Church of Westphalia had previously decided to only recommend the celebration of face-to-face worship services to the congregations up to an incidence value of 100.

"This year, too, I will sorely miss the familiar church services for our highest Christian festival," admitted the President of the Evangelical Church of Westphalia, Annette Kurschus.

This is opposed to this: “Countless volunteers have prepared devotions to the Way of the Cross for their congregations, plan Easter walks and have picture stories ready for children.

Here there are tulips with Easter greetings on the church door, there flower bulbs are distributed to plant new life at home. "


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Drive-in service in Neuss

Easter message from President Annette Kurschus