SMHI states that the risk of grass fires is great throughout the county, except the Dalafjällen, during Friday and Saturday.

So for those who have imagined an Easter fire, it can be good to think twice.

On Friday, the rescue service was alerted to Långshyttan in Hedemora municipality, where a controlled fire has spread.

- It's windy and it's dry, so it's not an optimal location to fire now, says Peter Bylin at Södra Dalarna's rescue service.

At the grass fire in Långshyttan, the rescue service was able to leave the site after just over an hour, when the fire was extinguished and the ground soaked.

In the clip, Kamil Bialas at Södra Dalarna's rescue service association shows how it comes about that it easily starts to burn in the grass in the spring and how those who are eager to grill should think when there is a risk of fires.

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The rescue chief says: Therefore, the grass can easily start to burn in the spring - think about this