
Erfurt (dpa / th) - Thuringia has paid almost two million euros to training companies that keep their apprentices despite being closed in the Corona crisis.

The Ministry of Economics told the German Press Agency that this enabled the training of 2,280 young people to be secured during the two lockdowns.

So far, more than 750 companies have received this aid from the state.

With its “training grant”, the Free State closes a gap in the support offered for companies on short-time work.

Thuringian companies are thus reimbursed 80 percent of the training allowance.

There is also a flat rate of 20 percent for social security contributions that were paid after the officially ordered closure.

The help is limited to those six weeks after the closure in which the short-time working regulations for trainees do not yet apply.

During this period, the companies must continue to pay their apprentices in full despite the closings.

Thuringia will bear the costs of keeping the skilled workers urgently needed after the crisis, said Minister of Economics Wolfgang Tiefensee (SPD).


During the second lockdown, 268 companies (first lockdown: 484) received this grant for 934 apprentices (1346).

The state approved more than 702,000 euros (around 1.2 million euros) for this.

The lower number of applications compared to the first lockdown can be explained by the fact that many companies from the hospitality industry had already registered short-time work for the entire year 2020 and in some cases were also on short-time work for the entire year.

This is why the trainees were immediately entitled to short-time allowance at the start of the second lockdown.

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