
Mannheim (dpa / lsw) - From this Tuesday on, 11,300 Mannheim children can go back to their daycare centers after being closed for around three weeks.

Since mid-March, the 200 facilities had only been open for emergency care due to the corona.

Mannheim is one of the few municipalities in the southwest that has taken this step.

There, infections in daycare centers - also through virus variants - had occurred more frequently.

In the hotspot district of Schwäbisch Hall, daycare centers will be closed until April 11th.

When looking after the little ones again after Easter, a spokeswoman for the city of Mannheim said: "We have prepared a company that is more suitable for pandemics."

Above all, the tests are to be expanded.

Parents have two different options to choose from: a spit test and a nasal test, which they can do at home with their child.

The rapid antigen tests can be used twice a week free of charge.

The city has ordered 50,000 pieces for each test form.

Two quick tests per week are still available for all employees.

In addition, all adults are required to wear a mask at daycare centers, including in educational work.

In addition, some of the kindergarten teachers in Mannheim are now vaccinated.

The occupancy of the daycare centers in emergency care was 45 percent.

It has been shown that in the meantime no new large clusters of daycare centers have appeared, as the city further announced.

However, there are several facilities with individual positive corona cases.


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GEB Mannheim

City to daycare centers